Communities for Life Featured on the EWN Podcast!

On February 2nd, Communities for Life Donor Art Froehlich was a guest on the Engineering with Nature (EWN) podcast! EWN focuses on showcasing sustainable engineering processes to “deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.” In the February 2nd episode, Art discussed his partnership with us and the important work we are doing in Manchay with sustainable agriculture. 

With Art’s expertise and support, Communities for Life has created sustainable gardening systems in the arid desert of Manchay by using wash water from homes to create simple irrigation systems, providing better seeds and tools, and hiring a local agronomist. 

Listen to Art in the EWN podcast!

We are so honoured to have Art represent our work with the Communities for Life Gardening Program! Learn more about Art Froehlich

Did you know?

Our gardening program works with the latest sustainable gardening methods to equip individuals in the Manchay community to build flourishing gardens despite the desolate and difficult landscape. Gardening graduates improve their nutrition intake, can feed their families and community, and in many cases, are able to build a small business to resource others in the community.

Thanks to donors like Art, Communities for Life has been able to build a robust gardening program that has positively impacted hundreds of lives in Peru.

Interested in our sustainable work in Manchay? Please support our work at today.

Construction Update

The third and fourth-floor levels of the Life Resource Center are almost complete! The construction team is working on the final stages, including the roof, walls, and piping.